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"The children have benefited enormously, we have seen a dramatic improvement in the self confidence and overall happiness in all of the children who took part. …. some of the children … are now able to confidently deliver presentations to the school in whole school assemblies and poetry performances, all the staff are astounded.”


"My involvement in the anxiety prevention programme has broadened my knowledge about childhood anxiety. I feel more confident in identifying pupils who have anxiety problems and in supporting them to cope with situations that make them anxious. The pupils who have participated in this programme are doing academically better. I truly can see the difference."



“…my child is now brimming with confidence and is emotionally mature and resilient. She is no longer oversensitive to real and/or perceived criticism and yet remains sensitive to others’ feelings. It has also had a positive impact on her learning; she is no longer tempted to give up when she finds something tricky and is equally focused on her effort….”


“Recently, our daughter has started at secondary school, and is talking, which she did not do for the last two years at primary school.  The programme helped her to become stronger in her self-determination to communicate more freely. “

Heads of Charity Organizations


“Increased what we were able to offer, and increased our own staff skills, knowledge and experience”.


“This project will ensure school staff can more effectively support children with emotional and behavioural problems, promoting SEAL and making a valuable and unique contribution to the PSHE curriculum.”



“Super Skills is fun and helps me to find new skills.”


“Super Skills helps me to feel more confident and say more in class.”


“It does help me to relax which helps me to do well in my tests. I got the highest score.”

© 2020 The University of Roehampton

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